AQ3D. Toggle navigation. Home · News; Game. What is Adventure Quest 3D? Beginners Guide · Classes · Warrior · Mage Class · Rogue Class · Guardian. This MMORPG is a little bit different you were warned. Become part of AdventureQuest 3D's growing online world! We're building new places, monsters. Download and play AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG on Windows PC. This MMORPG is a little bit different you were part of AdventureQuest 3D'.
AQ3D IS TRUE CROSS-PLATFORM • Play your character from anywhere • Yes, all devices log into the same world • Yes, you can switch to your phone and take it to the potty and then go back to playing on your computer BEST MMORPG VILLAINS & MONSTERS • Our bad guys can beat up your other game's bad guys. • As long as we're the ones writing /5(K). · Download and play AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG on PC. Play as long as you want, no more limitations of battery, mobile data and disturbing calls. The brand new MEmu 7 is the best choice of playing AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG a real PC game/5(). Download Adventure Quest 3D app for Android. Battle on! The best 3D massively multiplayer role-playing game. Virus Free/5.
We have submitted AQ3D to the STEAM Greenlight, and if we get enough up-votes, then it will be the first step in getting AQ3D onto your PC or Mac! If it is approved by the Steam community, we get the go-ahead to put AQ3D's downloadable client on STEAM as soon as we have the client ready to go. Latest version. Oct 27th, Older versions. Advertisement. Adventure Quest 3D is an MMORPG whose main appeal is that it includes a true 'cross-platform' feature. This means that two people can play together on the same server: plunder dungeons, talk or complete missions, even while one of them is playing on Android and another is. Download and play AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG on PC. Play as long as you want, no more limitations of battery, mobile data and disturbing calls. The brand new MEmu 7 is the best choice of playing AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes AdventureQuest 3D MMO RPG a real PC game.